SPJ Madison To Host Trivia Night

Journalists and friends of journalism: dust off your media history and “All The President’s Men” knowledge, and join the Madison chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists for a journalism-themed Trivia Night during National Sunshine Week.

Trivia night will be held from 7-9:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 15 at Argus Bar and Grill, 123 E. Main St. in the basement, with trivia run by League Trivia of Madison. Trivia will start at 7:30 p.m.

Newsrooms and friends of journalism are encouraged to form teams of up to six players. To register, please email spjmadison@gmail.com with your team name, team members, and how you’ll pay. Cost of entry is $10 per team member.

There are multiple ways to pay. You can mail (or give) a check or cash to the following people:

You can also send money via PayPal or Venmo to Schossow (bschossow@gmail.com). Proceeds will go toward prizes and to benefit future journalism programming by SPJ.

For more information, please contact Breann Schossow and Briana Reilly by emailing spjmadison@gmail.com.


About spjmadisononline

The Society of Professional Journalists Madison Pro Chapter
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