• spjmadison


Society of Professional Journalists, Madison Chapter Monthly Business Meeting Dec. 7, 2015, 7:00 p.m. Next Door Brewing Company, 2439 Atwood Ave., Madison


Dec. 7, 2015

  1. Call to order

  2. Approval of minutes

  3. Treasurer’s Report

  4. Membership Report

  5. President’s Report: Holiday Party and Raffle, Dec. 17; Open Government Traveling Show update; Reporting on Religion planning; Watchdog Awards

  6. Upcoming event ideas: Spotlight, Podcasting training, Meet the Media, Freelance event

  7. Reimbursements

  8. New Business

  9. Adjourn

Votes could be taken on any Action or New Business item

#agenda #meeting #nextdoorbrewing #spjmadison

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