- spjmadison
SPJ Madison hosts “After Deadline” Meet Up at Ale Asylum on June 21
Celebrate summer – and journalism – at the Society of Professional Journalists’ inaugural “After Deadline” event Tuesday, June 21, at Ale Asylum in Madison.
The Madison SPJ chapter is hosting this gathering, to be held by SPJ chapters across the country. Meet your colleagues, take pride in your profession and enjoy a Wisconsin summer on the patio of one of Wisconsin’s hottest breweries. Free SPJ giveaways, too.
Join us from 6-9 pm. We’ll meet on the patio at Ale Asylum, 2002 Pankratz St., Madison (near the Dane County Regional Airport on the city’s north side). We’ll move inside during inclement weather.
This is an informal gathering. Nothing more to do than show up and be ready to socialize.
Questions? Contact Joe Radske, 262-366-1259, or Mark Pitsch, 608-252-6145.
#journalism #Madison #summer #AfterDeadline #celebrate #aleasylum #spjmadison