• spjmadison

SPJ Madison face masks for sale

Updated: Oct 1

Make a statement supporting journalism with a face mask from SPJ Madison. 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, and 2021 has been tough as well, but local journalists have been there through it all, documenting the turmoil of a pandemic, an unprecedented political climate, nationwide anti-racism demonstrations and more.

For $10, purchase an SPJ “Journalism Matters” face mask, with proceeds supporting the John Patrick Hunter First Amendment award. The award, sponsored by SPJ Madison and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, recognizes the work of college newspaper writers in Wisconsin who cover subjects relating to the five freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.

SPJ Madison is a nonprofit organization that supports journalism, the First Amendment and open government by connecting current and future journalists, promoting professional ethics and journalistic integrity and helping the community better understand how journalism works.

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