SPJ Madison monthly business meeting Jan. 4

Society of Professional Journalists, Madison Chapter

Monthly Business Meeting

Jan. 4, 2016, 7:00 p.m.

Next Door Brewing Company, 2439 Atwood Ave., Madison


Jan. 4, 2016

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of minutes
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Membership Report
  5. President’s Report
    1. Holiday Party and Raffle, Dec. 17
    2. Open Government Traveling Show update
    3. Reporting on Religion planning
    4. Watchdog Awards update
  6. Upcoming event ideas: Spotlight, Podcasting training, Meet the Media, Freelance event
  7. Public Records Board: Transitory Records
  8. Reimbursements
  9. New Business
  10. Adjourn

Votes could be taken on any Action or New Business item